X-Men Evolution is an animated TV series based on the Marvel Comics superhero team, X-Men, and depicts their journey through adolescence while learning to control their powers and defend humanity against evil mutants.
Started airing in 2000
Produced by Marvel Studios and Film Roman
Ran for 4 seasons with a total of 52 episodes
The series ended in 2003
A previous X-Men animated TV series that aired from 1992-1997
An X-Men animated TV series that aired in 2009
A live-action TV series based on the X-Men that aired in 2017
The first season of the X-Men Evolution TV series on DVD
The second season of the X-Men Evolution TV series on DVD
The third season of the X-Men Evolution TV series on DVD
The fourth and final season of the X-Men Evolution TV series on DVD
No, X-Men Evolution is not currently available on Netflix.
X-Men Evolution is rated TV-Y7 for children aged 7 and over. However, it does contain some violence and mild language.
The main X-Men team in X-Men Evolution consists of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, and Spyke. Other X-Men characters make appearances throughout the series.
Yes, X-Men Evolution features crossovers with other Marvel characters, such as Spider-Man and the New Mutants.
X-Men Evolution takes some liberties with the X-Men source material, particularly with character designs and storylines. However, it remains a popular and well-liked adaptation of the X-Men franchise.